When you think about defects in the marketing sector of business; they translate to unsatisfied customers, and the more defects there are within products or services, the more customers will be unsatisfied. Six Sigma certification educates marketing employees working within a successful team to not only identify the cause of defects within a process but also how to devise effective and statistically driven techniques to eliminate them. If a company is looking to minimize defects from the very start, then properly trained Six Sigma Marketers can really help the bottom line – it should be considered a small investment for a large return when it comes to profitability. These individuals can help design flawless products or services from their very conception so that they meet and exceed a customer need – leading to very satisfied repeat customers. Nothing makes customers happier then solving a problem or fulfilling a need they didn’t even know they had- this is the true skill of a successful Six Sigma Marketer.
It may seem unrealistic to expect that any company can produce a product or service with Six Sigma efficiency (99.9997%) but it is definitely possible as countless successful companies have proven. In other words, the Six Sigma Process reduces defects to only 3.4 per million opportunities. Six Sigma Marketing is an essential component to reaching this goal as an organization-wide team with the initiative to increase customer satisfaction at every interaction while simultaneously increasing profitability for the company.
Overview of Six Sigma Certifications in Marketing
We offer several different Six Sigma Certification and Lean Six Sigma Certification in Marketing courses for your online Six Sigma training needs. Our courses include White Belt, Yellow Belt, Green Belt, Black Belt, and Master Black Belt Certification in Marketing programs.
Our accredited training and certification programs in Marketing provide for customized learning at every level to allow each individual a role in improving their organization’s processes. This multi-level approach fosters team unity and leads to each employee feeling more valued by the company.
The following Six Sigma Certification and Lean Six Sigma Certification in Marketing options are available for our online Six Sigma training: